Help Needed
Posted by Concept2 News on the 11th of July 2003
Contrary to popular song, the living ain't necessarily easy in the summertime, and it's been many a moon since we saw a jumping fish as well. The problem is that, basically, nothing much really happens in the world of indoor rowing over the summer, and it gets harder and harder for us to fill a newsletter with our usual tat. So, in a shameless plea for you to do our work for us, this is a big request for people to send in their own articles, ideas for articles, suggestions for articles, articles about other articles, in fact anything that even sounds like 'article'. If you've lost five stone in the last year, taken thirty seconds of a PB, got some ideas for cool workouts, got a race report, whatever, we want to know. If it's a question, an answer, a problem or a riddle, for the love of Moses, send it to us at [email protected] that, or next fortnight's edition is going to consist of what we watched on telly the night before and our in-depth analysis of the different types of budget ice cream.