Tel's Tales
Posted by Concept2 News on the 1st of December 2001
Tel's Tales is the fortnightly (allowing for ratboys) column written by three times Olympic rowing coach Terry O'Neill. Normally, he deals with any questions you might have with indoor rowing and, if you've got one of those, send it to [email protected]. This time, we thought we'd let him loose with his thoughts on the championship�We had spent many hours debating the pros and cons of moving the championships from Reading to the NIA in Birmingham, and Sunday proved that it was the right decision. There were many obvious benefits, such as better facilities and seating for spectators, as well as the fact that this is a purpose built venue for staging Spectaculars whereas Reading was, and is, a leisure centre. And let there be no doubt that Sunday was Spectacular. Stephen Spielberg could not have directed a more epic encounter than we witnessed in the Men's Open final.There were others that did not get the same attention but were none the less significant. The last race of the day was brutal and every bit as exciting as that between Pinsent and Cracknell. In fact, in some ways it was better, because up to the line there were three great athletes involved, Chris Rushton, Nik Fleming and Tony Larkman all broke the magic six minute barrier. Straining every sinew and giving every ounce of effort, while giving no quarter, as if their very lives depended on it.In the Woman's Open, there was the sheer courage of Katherine Grainger, who laid down a suicidal pace in an ultimately unsuccessful effort to take the title in front of the current Dutch world champion, and the world record holder, who came all the way from New Zealand.There were numerous personal bests and personal triumphs that would warrant a mention but, as usual when I get going, I still haven't got to my point yet.Why are these people doing this? The night before there was the world title boxing fight between Lewis and Rahman and it was obvious why they were doing it - $millions. It wasn't only the spectators at BIRC that got a great show for nothing, the stars got nothing either. Nothing, that is, but pride, self-respect and the respect of others. They are every bit as outstanding as the boxers performing in Las Vegas. One day, one of the TV moguls that really create these multi-millionaire sportsmen will realise what a sportsman really is, and the heroes of BIRC may then get a share of the cake.Until that day, when the skies are filled with aeronautical porkers, we at C2 will do our damnedest to provide the best facilities at the best venue for the best bunch of people it has been my privilege to know.